Monica Dougherty

Artist • Author • Art Therapist

About Monica

My Creative Journey

Drawing • Painting • Writing

About Monica

Monica Dougherty

monica doughertyMonica is an artist, art therapist, author and teacher. After a few years working in TV production she left the bright lights of New York City and returned home to Chicago to follow new dreams. Along the way there were countless jobs as a temp secretary to pay the bills as she pursued a freelance art career. After fulfilling her biggest dream – becoming a mother – she went on to become an art therapist, author and art teacher. In her role as an art therapist she has worked with pre-school, elementary and high school students.

She also works at a facility which provides services for adults with intellectual, physical and developmental disabilities, offering creative opportunities for enhanced self-esteem, for the expression of feelings, for stimulating a sense of joy and supplying opportunities for success. She is a published author and creator of The Laughing Angels©, a whimsical and merry group of beings who inspired her first book, You’re A Miracle…Pass It On!

awardwinnerShe is also in the process of pitching her feature film script based on her historical novel, Rose’s Ring: Inheritors of Silence and Secrets, and you can read all about it by pressing Enter above. In May the script won Best Historical Drama at the Cambridge Script Festival!

When not working you can find her happily creating, listening to old radio programs, binging on favorite movies, and TV shows, spending time with her family and, with her band of Spirit Sisters,

Laughing Angel Productions

Laughing Angel Productions

Current Projects: These are projects—a film script, children’s books, an angel book—that have lived in my heart and are now ready, willing and able to be produced, read and shared!

“Time flies over us, but leaves its shadow behind.” ––Sean O’Casey

sister mary cyril age 97 1952This is a story I had to tell. First, though, I had to find it and that took the better part of 30 years.

It began with a ring and a newspaper clipping from the Terre Haute (Indiana) News of 1953. It was about a relative of mine I knew nothing about, Sister Mary Cyril. Years earlier, when I was 23, I was visiting a pen pal in London and I went to the British Institute of Psychical Research. A Swedish psychic, Mr. Bogaron, told me about a woman he “saw” around me, a religious person, he said. He described her as someone who had left the land of her birth at an early age and never returned.

I knew nothing about her, but when I got home my mother showed me a newspaper clipping about a cousin of my great-grandmother, whose name was Sister Cyril. At the age of 13 she left her home in Ireland for what was supposed to be a two-year visit at the invitation of an uncle in Indianapolis. The visit was in repayment of a debt owed to her father. Her father agreed to the visit with the stipulation that she continue her education while in America. She was enrolled at a school run by the Sisters of Providence. She fell in love with the order and with America! She was allowed to join as a 15-year-old and eventually became a Superior. The article went on to tell of her last year spent in the convent’s infirmary before her death in 1953 at the age of 98, much of it spent talking of her family, her father’s cousins Michael Davitt and Archbishop MacHale, and her love of Ireland.

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