Monica Dougherty

Artist • Author • Art Therapist

About Monica

My Creative Journey

Drawing • Painting • Writing

About Monica

Monica Dougherty

monica doughertyMonica is an artist, art therapist, author and teacher. After a few years working in TV production she left the bright lights of New York City and returned home to Chicago to follow new dreams. Along the way there were countless jobs as a temp secretary to pay the bills as she pursued a freelance art career. After fulfilling her biggest dream – becoming a mother – she went on to become an art therapist, author and art teacher. In her role as an art therapist she has worked with pre-school, elementary and high school students.

She also works at a facility which provides services for adults with intellectual, physical and developmental disabilities, offering creative opportunities for enhanced self-esteem, for the expression of feelings, for stimulating a sense of joy and supplying opportunities for success. She is a published author and creator of The Laughing Angels©, a whimsical and merry group of beings who inspired her first book, You’re A Miracle…Pass It On!

awardwinnerShe is also in the process of pitching her feature film script based on her historical novel, Rose’s Ring: Inheritors of Silence and Secrets, and you can read all about it by pressing Enter above. In May the script won Best Historical Drama at the Cambridge Script Festival!

When not working you can find her happily creating, listening to old radio programs, binging on favorite movies, and TV shows, spending time with her family and, with her band of Spirit Sisters,

Creative Works

An Gorta Mór: The Great Starvation

an gorta morThe Irish Famine, known also as the Great Starvation and An Gorta Mór took place in the 1840’s.

Forty years after the fact the potato blight was diagnosed as Phytophthora infestans, treatable by spraying copper compounds and thus reduced to an agricultural nuisance. The blight probably reached Europe by way of produce in the holds of ships from America. While the potato crop was blighted, the Irish also grew barley, oats, wheat and livestock, all designated for export by the British as it was grown on land owned by English landlords.  The convoys filled with this food travelled to ports under armed guard.  Along the roads they passed starving men, women and children who faced prison and execution if they tried to take any of the food.

family stone cottageThe fate of Irish peasants was in the hands of men on both sides of the English Parliament who believed in “market forces”(political economy) and many, if not most, were influenced also by the theory of Benthamite utilitarianism.  Jeremy Bentham was a political reformer who believed that legislation was unjustified except where it answered a clear need to achieve the greatest happiness of the greatest number and legislated pain could be allowed so long as it promised to exclude some greater evil (the collapse of British economy).  Supporters of the Corn Laws argued that if foreign grain was admitted freely into Britain and Ireland the price would collapse and millions of laborers whose livelihood was dependent upon the growing of grain would go without work. The Corn Laws put the price of local grain at the highest level to keep out other cheaper grain (rice and Indian corn) until the entire British crop had been sold at the artificially higher price.  Thus, in the name of greater possible evils, Ireland’s pain was sanctioned, even championed, by many in Parliament.

In addition, leaders of both sides of the House subscribed to the theories of Rev. Thomas Malthus, the population theorist, who had written a considerable amount on Ireland, a country he had never visited.  Malthus said, “…the land in Ireland is infinitely more peopled than anywhere else; and to give full effect to the natural resources of the country a great part of the population should be swept from the soil.” An Irish catastrophe was considered inevitable by the leading Whigs and Tories and though few would actually say it until the disaster was well advanced, was even desirable.

So, the Great Hunger, whatever its other causes, was seen as a visitation upon the Irish themselves, a remedy for their over-breeding and their over-dependence on the potato.

From The Great Shame, Thomas Keneally, Nan A. Talese, an imprint of Doubleday, a division of Random House, New York, 1999 and Black ’47 and Beyond:  The Great Irish Famine in History, Economy and Memory, Cormac O’Grada, Princeton University Press, 1999.

cartReport by  William Bennett on conditions in County Mayo: Belmullet, County Mayo, 16th of third month, 1847:

“We now proceeded to visit the district beyond the town, within the Mullet.  The cabins cluster the roadsides, and are scattered over the face of the bog in the usual Irish manner where the country is thickly inhabited.  Several were pointed out as ‘freeholders’; that is, such as had come wandering over the land, and squatted down on any unoccupied spot, owning no fealty and paying no rent.

"We spent the whole morning in visiting these hovels indiscriminately, or swayed by the representations and entreaties of the dense retinue of wretched creatures, continually augmenting, which gathered round and followed us from place to place, avoiding only such as were known to be badly infected with fever, which was sometimes sufficiently perceptible from without by the almost intolerable stench.

"The scenes of human misery and degradation we witnessed still haunt my imagination with the vividness and power of some horrid and tyrannous delusion rather than the features of a sober reality.  We entered a cabin.  Stretched in one dark corner, scarcely visible from the smoke and rags that covered them, were three children huddled together lying there because they were too weak to rise, pale and ghastly; their little limbs, on removing a portion of the filthy covering, perfectly emaciated, eyes sunk, voice gone, evidently in the last stage of actual starvation.  Crouched over the turf embers was another form, wild and all but naked, scarcely human in appearance.  It stirred not, nor noticed us.”

Rose’s Ring: Inheritors of Silence and Secrets

An historical novel, based on true facts, Rose’s Ring is the story of Rose Donovan, a TV reporter from Chicago, always on the lookout for a great story, and a great love. She has no idea that both are already in her own backyard; or at least nearby.

roses ring coverRose feels she is going nowhere fast. After the death of her mother, she inherits a ring and a diary. Traveling to Ireland and with the help of a psychic she is taken back in time to the years of the Great Hunger and the story of her ancestors, Rose Ryan and James Kilroy. Living through the harrowing and tragic events of those years, they are torn apart by events beyond their control.

Fleeing starvation, tyranny and oppression in their native land they are reunited in America only to find similar horrors being forced upon the Native population and the African slaves. Interwoven in her own family story is the plight of a group of Native Oneida people on a forced march to treatied lands in Wisconsin and of Joshua Glover, a runaway slave, whose decision to stop running sets in motion events that culminate in one of the worst shipwrecks in Lake Michigan maritime history, the sinking of The Lady Elgin.

The family ring was recovered, but the story was not until Rose Donovan’s journey enables her to not only bring the story of the ring back to the family, but also empowers her to follow her own dream, a powerful gift from her ancestors.

Rose's Ring: Inheritors of Silence and Secrets

Available on Amazon

Image Gallery

In preparing for real life, I lost my connection to art for a long while and am now on a journey of reconnection and remembering! As a child I drew always and everywhere. A new box of crayons was a delight each year and I remember many happy hours drawing outside during the long summer days. Unfortunately, fourth grade was the beginning of more homework and less drawing and so it continued. Took many detours and began a process that went on for years –a complete split between the art that fed my soul and doing what was needed to prepare for life. Until I found art therapy and angels and reconnected to the joy of creating!

Graphite drawings of family, past and present!


Past, Present and Future!

PAINTING Watercolor


New in the age of the Pandemic. This was an experiment with resin painting. As I was doing them it occurred to me that it perfectly described what we are at present (2020) living through. There are some things we can control, but much that we can’t. In these paintings you can control the colors you use and how you manipulate the canvas as the colors mixed with resin are poured on, but the paint makes its own decisions! And when it dries, the image is encased in a hard covering of resin, much like we have been encased in our quarantine spots. But…there is beauty in the imagery. And I believe we are finding beauty in our world in the kindnesses, sacrifices and help that’s being offered. We may not all be in the same boat, but we are all going through the Quarantine together!


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