Margaret Rose

Knowing about the past helps you understand the present a little better and gives you tools to build a better future.

Margaret Rose, the Grammy Angel, celebrates and treasures the values of the past.  She is also a stickler for manners!  Having good manners (saying please and thank you) is how you show appreciation for others and Margaret Rose is an appreciator.  She offers unconditional love and acceptance and she always inspires the best in everyone.  Of course she’s always neatly dressed with gloves, hat, purse – the works. One of the things Margaret Rose enjoys is listening to old radio programs.  She keeps an old-fashioned radio and loves some of the old comedy shows and also the adventures.   Her favorite song is “Accentuate the Positive” by Harold Arlen and Johnny Mercer. She would encourage you to keep a journal or a diary, a place to remember your own history, things that happened, thoughts and feelings you had.  A diary is a great way to keep track of where you are and where you’re going and also who you were and who you are becoming.