Image Gallery

In preparing for real life, I lost my connection to art for a long while and am now on a journey of reconnection and remembering! As a child I drew always and everywhere. A new box of crayons was a delight each year and I remember many happy hours drawing outside during the long summer days. Unfortunately, fourth grade was the beginning of more homework and less drawing and so it continued. Took many detours and began a process that went on for years –a complete split between the art that fed my soul and doing what was needed to prepare for life. Until I found art therapy and angels and reconnected to the joy of creating!

Graphite drawings of family, past and present!


Past, Present and Future!

PAINTING Watercolor


New in the age of the Pandemic. This was an experiment with resin painting. As I was doing them it occurred to me that it perfectly described what we are at present (2020) living through. There are some things we can control, but much that we can’t. In these paintings you can control the colors you use and how you manipulate the canvas as the colors mixed with resin are poured on, but the paint makes its own decisions! And when it dries, the image is encased in a hard covering of resin, much like we have been encased in our quarantine spots. But…there is beauty in the imagery. And I believe we are finding beauty in our world in the kindnesses, sacrifices and help that’s being offered. We may not all be in the same boat, but we are all going through the Quarantine together!