
M.J., is the Peace Angel. He likes to appear as a teen.  In fact, he has a gallery of pictures of himself in all the various clothes he’s worn in the past. 

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He always needs to fit in with everyone on the street, is usually up on all the news and loves to find the connections between people.  He’s always in tune with whatever the current music is and has always been “with it” in that department.  At the turn of the last century (1900, not 2000!) he liked a song called “Original Rags” by Scott Joplin.  A little later, during the 1940s it was “In the Mood” by Glenn Miller.  Do you know they still play that at weddings and other occasions today!  And, of course, who doesn’t love “Rock ‘n’ Roll Music” by Chuck Berry, something he has in common with Inez.